Research and Innovation

Portfolio of Patents and Technology

The inventions made by researchers at UCS are protected by registration at the National Industrial Property - INPI. Among patents for inventions and utility models and industrial designs, Fundação Universidade de Caxias do Sul is the holder of the following registrations at INPI and other patent and trademark offices.

  • Use of Pleurotus sp. and Schizophyllum sp. extract, or combination of extracts, macrofungus growth process and process for obtaining macrofungus extract to reduce oxidative damage in diabetes.
  • Chocolate composition containing antioxidative compounds and their production process.
  • Enzymatic production process.
  • Miceleus reuse process for the production of cellulose and xylanese enzymes.
  • Activated coal preparation process, activated coal and use of the same as catalyst.
  • Use of Plinia trunciflora (O. Berg) Kausel extract.
  • Food composition containing Pinus sp. sawdust, method for obtaining composition and use of the composition to treat dyslipidemia.
  • Complex compound of zinc with diclofenac and nicotinamide, production process and use.
  • Biofilm composition, production process and use.
  • Development and characterization of organic and biodegradable films.
  • Biological heterologous vectors, cellulase production process, enzymatically active composition, use of composition and tissue modification method.
  • Process for laccases and/or manganese peroxidases production, solid culture medium for laccases and/or manganese peroxidases production.
  • Absorption process of heavy metals present in liquids by using Pleurotus fungi.
  • Constructive arrangement introduced in a reactor for fungal cultivation under semi-solid conditions, rotatory shower type.
  • Fermentation process and use of lacases obtained in the fermentation process.
  • Gluten-free biscuit and process of obtaining gluten-free biscuit.
  • Process of obtaining organic acids and derivative salts and sorbitol by gender bacteria Zymomonas.
  • Process of obtaining bioproduct and biofuel from lignocellulosic biomasses.
  • Use of Pinus sp. sawdust as an agent for blood lipid reduction.
  • Use of a compound or an extract obtained from the fungus Pycnoporus sanguineus in the preparation of a nutraceutical composition, drug, supplement, functional food and / or phytotherapeutic composition for fat or lipid reducing.
  • Organic biodegradable film, process to obtain and use.
  • Rotary reactor for hydrolysis of lignocellulosic material, process for obtaining fermentescible sugars and using the same.
  • Synthesis process and use of the Blattella germanica sexual attraction pheromone.
  • Cultivation process of Plasmopara vititcola, processes of detection, isolation and evaluation of its antagonics, kit, agricultural defensive composition, pest control process, agricultural cultivation process, and improved food products.
  • Process to fungus growth, process for obtaining extract from Pycnoporus sanguineus and use of the extract from Pycnoporus sanguineus.
  • Automatic feeder for lignocellulosic material and method for supply for the material.
  • Method and system for analyte detection.
  • Kit and method for identification of unstable non-acid milk.
  • Method of genomic sequence analysis and system.
  • Cultivation process of adult mesenchymal stem cells, kit, composition and use.
  • Production process of cellulase and hemicellulase employing partially hydrolyzed cellulose, use of partially hydrolyzed cellulose, and, substrate containing cellulose.
  • Production process of enzymes with the filamentous fungus Penicillium echinulatum for use in enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass.
  • Production process and use of laccases and/or peroxidases obtained from Agaricus blazei.
  • Production process and use of enzymatic extract , and beverage clarification method using extract obtained from Kluyveromyces.
  • Production process of enzymes using elephant-grass and the use of elephant-grass as substratum.
  • Process to obtain and use of grape extract with anticonvulsive properties.
  • Production process and use of Ilex extract, and composition comprising an extract with anticonvulsive properties.
  • Production process of Araucaria angustifolia extract with antioxidant properties.
  • Enzymatic process to extract essential oils.
  • Production process and use of cellulase enzymes and methods to modify tissues.
  • Rotary tank device.
  • Cell transformation method using Agrobacterium, transformed cells and composition containing those cells.
  • Method and kit to determine and/or characterize Aeromonas.
  • Process to remove phenolic compound from effluent and compound removal agent.
  • Process for obtaining hydrolytic enzymes, production of fermentable sugars and production of ethanol from sugar cane bagasse.
  • Solid growth medium and process for the production of laccases and/or manganese peroxidases.
  • Absorption process of heavy metals present in liquids by using Pleurotus fungi.
  • Pre-treatment of sugar cane bagasse for the production of ethanol.
  • Production processes of cellulase and / or hemicellulases enzymes.
  • Production process and recovery of sorbitol and other organic acids or their salts.
  • Processes and products for biological control of agricultural pests.
  • Aqueous extract with insecticide action over mosquito larvae: mosquitoes and black flies.
  • Aqueous extract to repel or exterminate termites.
  • Reactor for fungi cultivation in semisolid conditions.
  • Use of essential oil of rosemary, carqueja, lemon-grass, aroeira, basil, araçá, thyme, lippia, salvia or a combination of these in a medicament preparation for treating endometritis in a mammal.
  • Composition and use of composition in endometritis treatment in mare.
  • Pharmaceutical composition with rourea cuspidata extract, use of the pharmaceutical composition and process for obtaining Rourea cuspidate extract.
  • Evaluation method for the tumor aggressiveness of HPV, and apparatus comprising the evaluation method.
  • Gene construction and design comprising viral systems, transformed cell and expression method of peptides and/or heterologous proteins.
  • Equipment and process to retard muscular fatigue and enhance muscular resistance.
  • Polymeric film and its production process.
  • Photocatalytic film, process and use for drugs degradation in aqueous medium using sunlight.
  • Gelatine extraction process from wet blue leather waste.
  • Edible ice cream from grape juice waste and its production process.
  • Biodegradable film, process of obtaining pine nut bark extract and biodegradable film and use of the biodegradable film as food packaging.
  • Composite, process of obtaining and use of the composite in ballistic armor.
  • Process of obtaining PET powder from post-consumed PET, use of PET powder in polyester-based paint.
  • Fermentative process, and use of grape juice waste.
  • Oil extraction method.
  • Hybrid coating based on silane precursors applied on a magnetoelastic alloy used as a platform for mass loading biosensors.
  • Equipment for conducting multiple tests and method for component evaluation.
  • Fagmentation process of useless waste of ceramic electric isolators and refractory composition.
  • Reprocessing of thin residues and cold powder paint, reprocessed thin residues, uses of reprocessed thin residues, paint and its manufacturing process.
  • System and method for detecting entering of liquids and gas permeation between the layers of a pipeline or flexible submarine cable, based on magnetoelastic sensors.
  • Bactericidal film, process of preparing it and method of treating effluents.
  • Tensile strength determination process of thermoplastic composites reinforced with long fibers.
  • Process for obtaining oleophilic and hydrofobic aerogel, oleophilic and hydrofobic aerogel and using of the same and a pressure vase to obtain the aerogel .
  • Process for obtaining partially hydrolyzed eva copolymer obtained from microwave-assisted reaction and its use.
  • Polyolefinic foams producing process, process for obtaining acethylated nanocellulose, polyolefinic foams and use of the same.
  • Polymeric mixture, process for obtaining polymeric mixture and use of polymeric mixture.
  • Polymeric film, process for obtaining and using of the same.
  • Propeller step variator mechanism, vant with variable propeller step and vant with variable propeller step control method.
  • Process for obtaining pet powder from post-consumed pet, pet powder use in polyester-based coating.
  • Polyester fabrics composition method through recycling and mixing of polyester fabrics flaps with pet bottle residues.
  • Broom whit refill bristles.
  • Method of assessing the battery charge status and battery parameter monitoring system.
  • Detection method for mechanical tension and system for detection of mechanical tension in tubes disposed in aquatic environments.
  • Elastomeric composition with nanometric cellulose fiber and process for obtaining an elastomeric composition.
  • Kit of acethylated cellulose nanofibers in a polymeric wrap, nanofibers obtaination process and oil sortion method.
  • Method of thermomagnetic treatment in amorphous tape, use of amorphous tape and detection system of substrate deformation.
  • Process for obtaining porous asymmetrical polymeric membrane, polymeric membrane and gas separation method.
  • Nanocomposite, method of wastewater treatment and process to preparation of the nanocomposiote.
  • Microporous membrane, process for obtaining microporous membrane and water disinfection process.
  • Pre mix, powder ink and powder paint production method.
  • Equipment for achievement test and method for component analysis.
  • Evaluation method of battery health state identification parameters (SOH).
  • System and method for preventing use of eletric equipment prohibited in restricted areas.
  • Composite, construction material, procedure for obtaining and vibrations mitigation method.
  • Device for compression testing, compression test method and use of the device for testing polymeric corner protector.
  • Formulation of functional food with plant component of genus Physalis and genus Salvia.
  • Process for obtaining PVDF membrane, membrane, and, use of PVDF membranes for ultrafiltration and nanofiltration.
  • Set-in-motion system for inertial sensor of cervical movement and use of set-in-motion system in movable devices.
  • Process for obtaining cellulose micro crystals and use them as a selective barrier.
  • Method and apparatus to analyze rechargeable batteries.
  • Process for obtaining nanocrystalline cellulose using acid hydrolyses and obtained nanocrystalline cellulose.
  • Measuring device and method for normal tension in films and substrates.
  • Epoxy resins containing inorganic modifiers and production process of epoxy resins.
  • Devulcanization process of terpolymers residues using microwaves.
  • Multiple speed transmission system and positioning process of the transmission system.
  • System and methods to analyze object surfaces.
  • Process supported by active screen on / over surfaces and structures obtained from that process.
  • Biodegradable polymeric blends and process of controlled release of active principles.
  • Injectable polymer mixtures with biodegradable properties and process to obtain it.
  • Fit-in coating for domestic and industrial environments.
  • Production process of polymeric plate, formulation for obtaining the polymeric plate, and the polymeric material obtained.
  • Material to reduce pole thermal protrusion in magnetic recordings.
  • Adhesive composition containing waste powder ink.
  • Semi-continuous transmission system using conic and facial gears.
  • Extractor battery for obtaining essential oils.
  • Biodegradable polymeric mixture.
  • Processes to extract ligands from injected parts, device to extract ligands from parts, injected parts at low pressure.
  • Microporous membranes for water desalination.
  • PMMA additive supplementation for obtaining foldable plates.
  • Experimental data processing system, electronic method and physical media.
  • Method, system and apparatus to predict and/or classify biological sequences.
  • Method and system to visualize collaborative space-awareness volumes.
  • Method and system to segment images and functional segmenting system.