Programa de Pós-Graduação em Materiais

MEMS and DMSE admission

According to a specific norm published by the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, the student selection process is carried out every six months. The publication of the norm takes place in April and September, and the selection process takes place in May and October. The selection process can also be carried out synchronously online. Scholarships are distributed according to the classification in the selection process.


Candidates to the MEMS are selected in two stages.

1st Stage - Admission test, eliminatory, comprises ten questions about the structure, processing, andmaterial's properties. The candidate must have at least 50% correct answers for approval. The grade obtained is made available individually by e-mail for each candidate, and the list of approved candidates is published on the Program's website. The entry test contributes a maximum of 6.0 points to the overall evaluation.

Basic Bibliography
CALLISTER, William D. Materials science and engineering: An introduction (8th ed.), New York, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.

2nd Stage - Evaluation of academic performance (classificatory character) - It will be done by analyzing the Curriculum Vitae, school history, and letters of recommendation. This evaluation contributes a maximum of 4.0 points, distributed as follows.

  • Experience in undergraduate scientific research - 1.0 point maximum (greater than or equal to 24 months = 1.0 point, and less than 24 months = 0.5 points). The candidate who does not have experience in scientific research does not score in this regard.

  • Number of scientific papers published (last five years) up to the time of registration, in international or national journals, classified as A or B in the most recent Qualis (CAPES) - 0.5 points maximum (greater than or equal to two papers: 0.5 points and equal to one paper: 0.25 points). The candidate who does not have a published paper listed in Qualis Materials does not score in this item. In this regard, a patent deposited or granted is equivalent to a published paper.

  • Average grade in undergraduate courses - 1.5 points maximum (between 9-10: 1.5 points, between 8-8.9: 1.2 points, between 7-7.9: 1.0 point, and between 6-6.9: 0.8 points).

  • Average concept obtained in the recommendation letters - 1.0 point maximum (excellent: 1.0 point, very good: 0.8 points, good: 0.6 points, regular: 0.4 points, and bad: 0 points).

In the event of a tie, the tiebreaker will consist of the grade of the written test (1st stage) and the items detailed in the 2nd stage in the order of appearance.


Doctoral candidates are selected in two stages.

1st Stage - Admission test, eliminatory, comprises ten questions about the structure, processing, and material's properties. The candidate must have at least 50% correct answers for approval. The grade obtained is made available individually by e-mail for each candidate, and the list of approved candidates is published on the Program's website. The entry test contributes a maximum of 4.0 points to the overall evaluation.

Basic Bibliography
CALLISTER, William D. Materials science and engineering: An introduction (8th ed.), New York, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.

2nd Stage - Evaluation of academic performance (classificatory character) - Analysis of the Curriculum Vitae, school history and defense of the candidate's intellectual production and the research project to be carried out in the Doctorate. This 2nd stage has a maximum of 6.0 points, distributed as follows.

  • Pdis* of the candidate considering the articles published (last five years) up to the moment of registration, in international or national journals, classified in the most recent Qualis (CAPES) - 2.0 points maximum. The Pdis value will be normalized by the highest value reached by the candidates. The candidate who does not have an article published and/or classified in Qualis Materials does not score in this item. In this regard, a patent filed is equivalent to a B1 paper, and a patent granted is equivalent to an A1 paper.
    *Pdis = number of A1 papers + 0.85 x number of A2 papers + 0.7 x number of B1 papers + 0.5 x number of B2 papers + 0.3 x number of B3 papers + 0.2 x number of B4 papers + 0.1 x number of B5 papers.

  • Master's completion time - maximum of 1.5 points (equal to or less than 24 months: 1.5 points, and between 25 - 30 months: 0.3 points). Candidates finishing their Master's degree may score in this item, as long as the Program's collegiate body has already approved the defense board and the dissertation document has been delivered to the board members. The score in this item is conditional on receiving a communication from the board member external to the institution, attesting that the dissertation document is adequate for defense and approval.

  • Percentage of mandatory credits in graduate courses with maximum grade (grade equal to 4 or A or greater than or equal to 9.0) - 1.0 point maximum (greater than or equal to 85%: 1.0 point, between 85-57%: 0.5 points, and less than or equal to 56%: 0.25 points). The candidate who does not have mandatory credits with maximum grade does not score in this item. Candidates who opt for direct admission to the doctorate score in this item, considering the average grade obtained in the candidate's undergraduate course - 1.0 point maximum (between 9-10: 1.0 point, between 8-8.9: 0.5 points, and between 7-6.9: 0.25 points).

  • Defense of the candidate's intellectual production and research project to be carried out in the Doctorate - 1.5 points maximum (excellent: 1.0 point, very good: 0.9 points, good: 0.8 points, regular: 0.25 points, and bad: 0.0 points). The candidate will have 15 minutes to make his/her presentation.

In the event of a tie, the tiebreaker will consist of the grade of the written test (1st stage) and the items detailed in the 2nd stage in the order of appearance.