Programa de Pós-Graduação em Historia

The stricto sensu Post- graduate Program in History of UCS, offers Professional Master and Doctorate courses.

The stricto sensu professional Post-graduate Programs are nearer the job market in the specific area. They are more focused in applied research, without losing conceptual and analytical accuracy. They allow to be prepared both for professional acting and teaching in all levels.

The objective of the Program is the preparation of high level human resources, by means of integrated activities of teaching, research and extension, to act in areas related to historic heritage, research and documentation services, organization of historic information, consultancies, historic reports, production of didactic material.

The Master Course, founded in 2012, is recommended by CAPES, and it welcomes applicants who are graduated in higher education courses in different areas of knowledge, and whose research proposals are linked to the research lines suggested by the Program.

The Doctorate course, approved in 2020, welcomes applicants who are graduated in higher education and master courses in different areas of knowledge, whenever their thesis proposals are linked to the research lines suggested by the Program.

Target audience

Professionals who act in History teaching. Researchers linked to collections, museums, and education in heritage. Teacher researchers dedicated to production of material for disclosure of historic knowledge in varied languages.

Post-Graduation program in History - Professional Master

Coordinator: Roberto Radünz
Secretary - Telephone: (54) 3218-2045 E-mail: (54) 3218-2045